As a mom of an infant and toddler, learning how to juggle their needs with my needs is a constant learning experience. The first thing in learning how to prioritize is to figure out what is your ultimate goal and work from there. My goal is to have a healthy lifestyle, physically and mentally. And I’m sure most moms know that having that balance with small kids is sometimes challenging. Even if that healthy balance isn’t feasible at times, since I have that at the front of my brain, I can come back to it the next day. You always have a restart button. You just have to have a firm foundation of where you want to be.

I’m a mom and a certified personal trainer. And I know first hand the struggles of being a woman and wanting to get back in shape or lose a couple of pounds. Now, I’m not one of those Instagram models that seem like life is perfect and with a quick snap back. Nah, I am battling sleep deprivation, stress from juggling toddlerhood, wanting chocolate and sweets, and sometimes being too tired to care. I totally get it, y’all! This is juggling while walking on a tightrope while having a time restriction. But at the end of the day, being healthy is the most important thing to creating a happy, healthy lifestyle for your kids or future kids.

I’ll use my posts to give ideas on how to squeeze in healthier behaviors here and there. I truly believe in progress, not perfection. So mastering a few things is better than just throwing your hands up and giving up.

I want to hear from you too! What are your struggles? Where are you lacking efficiency? Email me with your suggestions at: with the subject line “I struggle with…” You can also follow me on Instagram at @lavishlifefitness.